have saved some of my line dance music onto my website "Linedancercarter mp3 music collection for line dancing" which is available
on website link:-
Linedancercarter MP3 Music Collection For line dancing
I have also placed some of this music onto online music players so that
I can play music when I am working on my computer.

I give
below a link to my four G-Note MyFlashFetish Line Dance Music mp3 player playlists (228 tracks added to date).
There are four playlists
under this link and you need to click on view all to access each of the playlists:-
My Online Line Dance Music Player
have saved some of my couple dance music onto my website "Westerndancercarter MP3 Music Collection for Western Couple dances" which
is available on website link:-
Westerndancercarter MP3 Music Collection for Western Couple Dances
also give below a link to my G-Note MyFlashFetish Western Partner and Couple Slot Dance online mp3 player (96 tracks
added to date):-
My online Western Couple Slot and Partner mp3 Music Player