I have entered on this site links to line dance and western couple dance scripts, music, dance classes
in Sussex, live country venues, my other dance websites, and other useful line dance websites.
I have placed a page for linedancercarter on a social network site Line Dance Rocks which is a a
place for line dancers to meet , discuss and share everything to do with line dance. This can
be found on weblink:-
On My Page (i.e. linedancercarter), I have input on my Youtube Sidebar Widget Application some line dance
step videos which I have linked from my linedancercarter youtube account. If you wish to join Line dance Rocks, please do so and share anything you wish including phots, videos, and forthcoming

I list below an index of the various pages on this website which can be reached by
clicking on navigation boxes on the left to reach these pages:-
About Me
Contact Me
Line Dancing, Terminology, and Common Moves (Page One)
Line Dance Classes in Sussex (Page Two)
Western Dance Clubs in Sussex featuring live music
(Page Three)
Sussex Line Dance / Country Music Club Websites (Page Four)
My Other Dance Websites (Page Five)
Other Dance or Music Websites (Page Six)
Dances I have learnt in Eastbourne (Page Seven)
Line Dance Scripts and Music (Page Eight)
Western Couple dance Scripts and Music (Page Nine)
My Online Music Players and Collections (page Ten)